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Everything posted by RoSa

  1. Are you feeling better BuRn1? Are you back at your feet? I hope that you are safe and sound whatever happened to you. My best wishes and compliments to you BuRn1. Have a good health and live long and prosper!!! So say we all. Thank you for the contribution and the effort. Cheers man!!!
  2. This is wonderful!!! Thank you very much for this contribution!!! Cheers man!!!
  3. Thank you very much DynamoSmith. Here I send you a smile. Have a wonderful weekend!!! Cheers man!!!
  4. Now I will be able to watch wonderful concerts thank you very much for this great contribution. Cheers man!!!
  5. Thank you very much daffer for the contribution. Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers man!!!
  6. Domo arigatou Dynamo-san. Wonderful contribution in the forum. I hope that it provides good times and tons of laughter!!! Cheers man!!!
  7. Dear DynamoSmith thanks for the energy and contributions that you pour in this forum. I really appreciate this educative contribution. Cheers man!!!
  8. Thank you very much for the contribution. Have a wonderful week. Cheers Shadow++.!!!
  9. Thank you very much for the effort and wonderful work. Have a great day! Cheers!!!

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